Thursday, August 5, 2010

Kanye West is following me... and it's scary!!!

Sometimes being a Celebrity is not really all it's cracked up to be. Such is the lesson that a friend of Kanye West learned. It takes a whole team of managers to manage you when your a celebrity. And then the paparazzi and all that jazz... goodness gracious who would ever want to be a celebrity? I mean it's such a tough job... Ok, I'll quit griping now!

Not too long ago, another celebrity decided to join Twitter. Nothing unusual there. That celeb’s name was Kanye West, and what is interesting is his unique approach to Twitter.

Instead of the usual celebrity tactic of following showbiz pals and huge brands, Kanye decided that the Twitterer he was most interested in was Steven Holmes. Kanye followed him, and only him.

You might not have heard of Steven, and it’s not that surprising. If you have heard of him, then I’m assuming it’s because you’re in one of his classes in Coventry, since Steven is an unassuming student with no particular claim to fame or knowledge of Kanye West.

Of course, this kind of attention from a major celebrity is the stuff of marketer’s dreams: free publicity on a massive scale.

However, there is an important lesson here.

Most (if not all) of Kanye’s followers – bordering on half a million – have no interest at all in Steven, and after an unending stream of tweets from people trying to use him as a conduit to the R&B star or trying to find out the latest news about the upcoming ‘Good Ass Job’album he’s already sick of his minor celebrity.

The rest of the story is here: