Thursday, August 5, 2010

Kanye West is following me... and it's scary!!!

Sometimes being a Celebrity is not really all it's cracked up to be. Such is the lesson that a friend of Kanye West learned. It takes a whole team of managers to manage you when your a celebrity. And then the paparazzi and all that jazz... goodness gracious who would ever want to be a celebrity? I mean it's such a tough job... Ok, I'll quit griping now!

Not too long ago, another celebrity decided to join Twitter. Nothing unusual there. That celeb’s name was Kanye West, and what is interesting is his unique approach to Twitter.

Instead of the usual celebrity tactic of following showbiz pals and huge brands, Kanye decided that the Twitterer he was most interested in was Steven Holmes. Kanye followed him, and only him.

You might not have heard of Steven, and it’s not that surprising. If you have heard of him, then I’m assuming it’s because you’re in one of his classes in Coventry, since Steven is an unassuming student with no particular claim to fame or knowledge of Kanye West.

Of course, this kind of attention from a major celebrity is the stuff of marketer’s dreams: free publicity on a massive scale.

However, there is an important lesson here.

Most (if not all) of Kanye’s followers – bordering on half a million – have no interest at all in Steven, and after an unending stream of tweets from people trying to use him as a conduit to the R&B star or trying to find out the latest news about the upcoming ‘Good Ass Job’album he’s already sick of his minor celebrity.

The rest of the story is here:

More Amazing Photos

These Photos are inspiring and amazing!

Blackberries and Whipped Cream Sounds Good To Me!

Sometimes something just sounds really good, well tonight this is what it is! Gotta get some!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Things We Can Learn From Apple

Even if you hate Apple Computer, there are some things that you cannot deny about them. They make some really good products that have been wildly popular. There are many things that have made Apple successful, and those same characteristics that have made Apple successful can be applied to a person's life and make them successful too. This may seem pretty obvious but it's very true and it's something that a lot of people don't think about.

So what are some things that make Apple a successful company? As I've watched Apple for a number of years now, I think I can say there are a few things that make them really successful.

1. Do One Thing Really Well

Ok, so I can hear you saying, wait, Apple does more than one thing, they have a whole bunch of products in the computer industry. This is true, but they also only have one iPhone, one iMac (with the exception that you can get it in different screen sizes) one Macbook, ok you get what I'm saying. Basically what Apple does is offer one product that they do really good at making. And they don't sub anything out. They do it all themselves with their own people. I even read a story about who one of their applications was programmed by just one individual.

2. Blatantly Promote Themselves

As the recent iPhone "antennagate" issue highlights, Apple makes no bones about promoting themselves. They like you to think that they're the only company that makes smart phones because they are the ONLY company that makes the iPhone. It's true that when the iPhone came out, there really wasn't much competition. But the market has changed and Android's have taken a big chunk and seem like they might just grow all over the iPhone.

3. Present a Consistent Image

As mentioned in the last point, Android has been growing like crazy. What does Apple do? Nothing. They keep presenting the iPhone as if it was the only product out there. Sure they do add some features, but they continue to present their very polished image and don't let the waves and bumps in the market move them away from that image.

4. Pay Attention to Details

If you've ever watched Steve Jobs give a "stevenote" wherein he talks about Apple's newest product, you'll agree with me that if just about anyone else went into the detail that he goes into about the products, the presentation would be excruciatingly boring! That's because he talks about every little curve, every little feature, every little button. Everything. And believe me, Apple rarely misses anything when it comes to product design details (unless it has to do with antennas).

Now that's enough raving about the good things that Apple has done. Of course, like anyone else, they're not without some blemishes and I'll go into those sometime too. But my main point in this article is that you can be successful too, like Apple has been. Sure, you may not do stuff the way that they do it exactly, but when someone has been successful it sure doesn't hurt to look at what's made them successful and try to implement what they're doing.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

How to Make People Like You...

Ok, so you can't really make people like you can you? I mean, you can't force people who currently don't like you to like you. That's probably mostly true. For instance, it seems like there's a lot of people who like a person just based on their looks. But beauty is only skin deep and there's a lot of beautiful people who you'll never be able to REALLY like. So what is my point?

Ok, so liking people is a little bit liking products. For instance, there's a ton of people out there that like Apple's iPod and iPhone and iPad products. I happen to be one person who at one time was what you could call and Apple Fan, because I thought they were like the best company in the world. I've since become more objective in my perspective of Apple computer and don't really like them as a company anymore but I still like their products? Why? Because their products really are good products that endear me to them. That just basically means that the products have a draw on me, and attraction.

That is what liking is about, it's about being attractive to the person that you want to like you. Some people will like you based on your personality, but you can like someone who's personality doesn't really attract you. For instance, if there's something you need or want and that person has the capability to give you that in exchange for a service, you can "like" them as employer. That is what liking is all about, having an interest or a need that you can fulfill for someone else.

So how do you make people like you? Give them something they need or want and you'll probably get some people that like you pretty quickly.

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